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Starbucks Team Feed


Reflection, encouragement, and relationship building are all important aspects of getting a new habit to stick.
Share thoughts, encourage others, and reinforce positive new habits on the Feed.

To get started, share “your why.” Why did you join the challenge and choose the actions you did?

  • Camden Filtness's avatar
    Camden Filtness 8/01/2022 7:33 AM
    Having a reusable lifestyle is much easier if a transition than I thought. I only “missed” two days while I was on vacation, but used a reusable cup both days!! Excited to see this become a permanent part of my life, but not excited to see my cup collection take over the cupboards!! Good work everyone!
    Family Discover Together
    What concerns you the most about how we are affecting the planet? Consider both local and global actions.

    Michelle Refuerzo's avatar
    Michelle Refuerzo 7/31/2022 10:35 PM
    After reflecting on this past month, the final third of which I spent in another country, my greatest concern has definitely evolved.
    The way we are affecting the planet differs from person to person, nation to nation - no doubt. And of course, some are naturally better with change.
    (Does anyone remember when the US tried to switch to the metric system for a hot second but quickly gave up?)
    What I’ve experienced, however, is that Germany prioritizes sustainability over convenience, single use plastic is not very common, and people follow the extensive recycling rules. I know it wasn’t  “simple”, but I wish we could follow a similar path. 
    (All of these bins pictured below are for a different material)
    Community Learn about Plastic Production
    What did you learn about how plastic production impacts humans, animals, communities, and the environment? Which of these impacts specifically affects your community?

    Angie Cuellar's avatar
    Angie Cuellar 7/31/2022 10:27 PM
    Our community meaning work creates so much plastic waste from milk cartons to wrapping to syrup bottles to trash bags… how can we make a change? Imagine with all the stores in America and we shipped milk in containers or found a way to have trash in cans without bags, etc.

  • Happy last day of plasticfree challenge ! I am proud to share that I have picked up over  a thousand Pieces of garbage today through leading a solo  Great Canadian shoreline clean up !
     Total cigarette butts 823 pcs
    Over 3hundreds plastic pcs and about over 200 pcs of paper , 38 face-masks 

  • Gina Dullanty's avatar
    Gina Dullanty 7/31/2022 8:09 PM
    What was your favorite part of Plastic Free July?! What did you learn and what was the biggest takeaway?! SHARE!!

    • Kelly Dullanty's avatar
      Kelly Dullanty 7/31/2022 8:13 PM
      Loved doing this with you, with the family! Thanks for bringing us along! Neat watching the kids get so into it.

    • Kole Dullanty's avatar
      Kole Dullanty 7/31/2022 10:21 PM
      We definitely used our water bottles more, filling them up when went out and always having them with us! I also liked the clean up. It was hot but easy and fun to do it in our own community.

    • Kaie Dullanty's avatar
      Kaie Dullanty 7/31/2022 10:23 PM
      I liked going to the dump and seeing what just our tiny town produces… it’s sad. So I’m excited to get more people using less plastics and use more reusables.

    • Angie Cuellar's avatar
      Angie Cuellar 7/31/2022 10:28 PM
      Honestly this has been super easy. I love being able to challenge people at work, including you Gina and this has encouraged me to bring my own stuff- cups, water bottles and food storage.

  • Gina Dullanty's avatar
    Gina Dullanty 7/31/2022 8:02 PM
    This EcoChallenge has been awesome. My family has been more involved than ever and the pride and excitement we’ve all had with each action and activity! So proud to have been a part of this July!
    Personal Care A Sustainable Flow
    Disposable tampons and menstrual pads are often quite expensive. What are the economic and personal benefits of this switch for you?

    I am using a reusable pads that are made of  cloth and monthly handwashing them . I have been using reusable pads for almost 2 years now!  save the planet and save money too . 
    Family Plastic Free Lunch Boxes
    Most of us know that the "3 R's" are reduce, reuse, recycle. Recycling is most heavily emphasized in modern Western culture. How could you incorporate other "R's" -- reduce, reuse, refuse, repair, repurpose, etc. -- into your lifestyle? How does considering implementing these "R's" make you feel?

    The 3rs is mainly to reduce  trash going to landfill and making a huge impact in our planet for a better sustainable  future therefore no pollution . 
    Community Keep My Community Clean
    How does the act of picking up litter connect you more to your community?

    Taking care of the planet and keep our surroundings clean and supporting the non-profit organization oceanwise conservation association .pick up one trash at a time ! Keep our water passage area clean 

  • Michael  Klossner's avatar
    Michael Klossner 7/31/2022 7:17 AM
    Last day today! ✔️
    Awesome challenge! Keep up the good work!